Wednesday, July 1, 2020

How to Use Social Media Professionally - Walrath Recruiting, Inc.

How to Use Social Media Professionally - Walrath Recruiting, Inc. Social media has become a powerful way to communicate both personally and professionally. It has even become a useful tool for recruiters and employers. Recruiters are using social media to learn more about a candidate before meeting them and deciding if they are the right fit for the position they’re seeking. Having a social media profile that is public and not professionally-friendly could cost you a job! Always be aware of what you’re posting; anyone online can see it! Keep reading to find out how you can use social media as a career-building tool. Expanding Your Network Linkedin is one of the more powerful career-building social media platforms. Linkedin allows for you to find and connect with other professionals in your industry and beyond. The best way to expand your network is to connect with professionals you know and that you would like to know. You never know how these connections will help you in the future! To build a stronger profile, share relevant industry news and insight to your feed for your connections to see. This not only makes you look more aware and in tune with the business world, but also helps you grow and learn. Your connections will take notice! Job Hunting Of course, Linkedin is great for job hunting, but you’d be surprised at the opportunities that any social media platform can give you. Most companies share their job openings and opportunities across multiple channels. Use Facebook or Twitter to follow companies or employers that you’re interested in so when they post about job openings, you won’t miss out! Your network on your social media accounts can also serve as a job-hunting tool. Maybe one of your family members knows someone at your dream company or a friend of a friend has a referral there. Always be aware of what is going on and who knows who! We can’t stress enough how small the world is, even one connection can lead you to where you want to go. Building Your Personal Brand Social media is one of the biggest resources we have to showcase our personal brand. Like we said before, recruiters and organizations looking to hire, may be watching you! Define your personal brand, strategy, and message you want to be sending out to the world before posting on social media. Make it coherent, powerful, and unique. Never post something you wouldn’t want your family or employer to see. Your social media accounts can be the make or break in you getting an interview or call back for a job. There are so many ways to use social media as a career building tool. There are constant updates and new aspects to these platforms being released every day. Staying up to date on business trends and social media trends can help set you apart from your competition. Keep learning and excelling. Happy posting!

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